My brother once shared with me that we have beer to thank for the creation of modern civilization and society. The process of brewing beer - having people to farm the hops, people dedicated to brewing vs. hunting/gathering, and safe, non-polluted drinking sources - led to the modern civilization structure as we know it. So what does this have to do with deep fried twinkies, you might be asking?
Well if beer led to the creation of civilization then deep fried twinkies will surely lead to its downfall.
We have an obsession in this country of deep-frying things. Whether it be oreos, ice cream, or even coke (yeah, not sure how that works, but it happened in Texas) we will fry anything. But with child-hood obesity at an all time high, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure increasing each year, you got to ask yourself is it too much? Totally. Is it worth it? You bet.
Because inherent in every deep fried treat is an indulgence. A moment of forgetting that you are a twenty, thirty, or forty something office professional giving up carbs and vainly spending 5-10 hours (okay 2-3 hours) at the gym every week. I once spent an entire vacation eating something deep-fried at every meal. No joke. For me, deep-fried food is a chance to be a kid again. Unfortunately it comes with some serious health risks. But that's living isn't it? Besides, if you believe the Mayans the world ends in three years.
So if we are all going to hell in a handbasket, I'll have mine deep-fried.
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