Tuesday, May 4, 2010

On love (Agape)...

It is a well known fact that Valentine's Day is the feast day of St. Valentine, a roman priest martyred for marrying and aiding early Christians. What is less known is whether or not Valentine even existed. More likely he represented a couple of people martyred in the early days of Christianity, not a singular person.

So on this Valentine's Day, I got up early. Like 6:30. I had breakfast to make for that special someone. I put on my makeup, did my hair, I wanted to look my best. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, potatoes, ham, oatmeal, juice, the works. There was even yummy dessert - spiced cake, cupcakes, double chocolate cake.

No matter how you say it.
At exactly 8:00 am the doors opened and in walked that special someone. Or should I say someones. They looked like me and you. There were old ones, young ones, even pregnant ones. Smile on my face, I greeted each one.

Today I was at the soup kitchen downtown, trying to live out the service to others that got Valentine martyred over 1,700 years ago. Today I was trying to experience that Agape that the Greeks talked about. Universal love. Love in something greater then us all.

Today, boyfriends and girlfriends, fiances, married couples, lovers and everything in between will share a card or a box of chocolates in love. Today I shared what I could give in love.

I often wonder, as another friend gets married and starts their family when it will be my turn. And maybe that will never come. I can't serve just one man when there are so many that need me. I have to be the auntie taking nieces to ballet, the daughter helping parents clean the basement (I haven't forgotten, dad), the employee working late, the parishioner teaching students, the best friend there when all else falls apart.

So today, I will get ready for church and go to mass with my family and then out to breakfast and time with friends. Because today is about love.

To all my friends today, I wish you love. If it isn't with that husband, wife, boyfriend or lover remember the Greeks and their many types of love. Remember Valentine, not just one person, but an idea that life can be better. And give that as often as you can.

Because today is about love. But so is tomorrow.

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