This post will not make much sense at first. See I saw a connection between my thesis and the list of things I want a potential mate to have. Trust me. I'll get there.
A couple days ago, after commiserating with a friend the sorry state of my romantic affairs, she told me to make a list of what I wanted in a relationship. Not in a creepy "Be rich like Tony Stark, do push-ups like Christian Bale in Batman Begins, and have the voice of Sean Connery with a little Gerard Butler randomly thrown in" kind of way. More of a what are you willing to compromise in a relationship. What do you want to get out.
So here is my list:
You love that I care. Yes, you tease me about my outreach at church, that I cry when I see homeless people, that I still give money to people on the street. You think I am naive wanting to save the world. But that I do makes you love me all the more.
We make each other want to be better. We want to do more, feel more, be more in the eyes of our friends, coworkers and family. We will walk taller together.
You want to touch me. And not in a carnal, want to screw you way (at least not all the time), but in a it feels empty when you aren't by me way.
You dream. Obviously at night. But you are always looking bigger. Whether it's our future, your future, your family, my family, you can't sit still. Cause neither can I.
The end.
So last night as I was sitting in the U of M library. By myself. When I could be out at the bar. Having a good time. Instead working on my thesis.
I thought about certain people of my past and what (or who) they were doing. And the lack of what or who I was doing. And then I thought of what I was currently doing again. And I realized, that although I wasn't having the time of my life, I was spending time making my life mean something. My thesis work can actually help some small I can make a corner of the world better.
I understand partying...I do it more often then not (Tequila and me aren't currently on speaking terms. I feel he mistreats me, he thinks I should man up more.) But not night after night. Day after day.
Going back to the list. I thought about that and decided, that certain things aren't up for compromise. Even for a moment on a Thursday evening alone in the library.
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